Wednesday 25 March 2015


So many of our dreams at first seem impossible,then they seem improbable,and then,when we summon the will,the soon become inevitable."
-Gil Folk

So often we miss opportunities because we fail to act.What is need for sucess?constant progress.You must have the courage to try,fail,over and over.Use these failures as lessons.never let your setbacks  stop you from moving forward.Everything you want is just on the other side of fear.We are only confined by the walls we place on ourselves.Live outside the box.Live above the standards of others.Live your owns life.Dare to dream,Dare to risk,Dare to live your dreams.It is not only possible,it is inevitable if you simply dont give up!

warren buffet said that everyone told me that becomming a proffesional stock broker is risky.I though it would  be risky not to go for it.Most people told me to start my first busines-they told me all the reasons it might fail.But I looked at the upside.
I have taken risks peope told me not to take,and sometimes I'm wrong and I fail,but when I am right i suceed 100x compared to if i had just stayed on the sideline listening to all the reasons  why  what I
wanted to try might not work. we have this one life to live-take risks and chances do what is you want to do
worst case-You will live an extremely interesting life that you woudn't experience otherwise.

We should just choose what we love the most and just do something unique in the way no one else can and be the bestest and most differnt..and work hard! cause To live a life ,you need problems.If you get everything you want the minute you want it,then whats the point of living?

Since many months I was left alone ..I dont have much friends now almost no!..I dont have much support too..but I dont know things have made me soo...I am just crazy about my passions about my dreams about the things i wanna achieve...and I guess being alone has taught me much of things ..and
I believe a person should have a reason to live...for themselves first then others! we say love yourself first before loving someone else ,the same way!..people started leaving mee ...cause they need people who act like a pussy!..make out jokes..fuck out! thats what you call life?
they make them so busy in life that to forget to make one!

I now see life in a different way,something awesome,I feel some power inside me guiding somewhere always ..and this is awesome

I'll say..You are special,so act like it.Theres something you can contribute to this moment that no one else has to offer.Dont settle for merely doing the samething as anyone else or mimicking the opinions and interests of others.Explore your life..impress everyone by showing them one day that what you made out of your uniqueness.


Thursday 19 March 2015

work in and work out!

What very few come to realize is putting in "all the work" and not reaching your goals is IMPOSSIBLE.

form a solid plan

Execute that plan

Learn how to improve that plan every single day

focus on your goals day in and day out..and make them your life.

Realize that it takes time..not  year..not three years..a full lifetime commitment!


when you do that..SUCCESS is guaranteed...your DREAMS of travellling the world , loving what you do,food,pleasures,life everything is guaranteed

isnt it all worth ?!

Friday 13 March 2015

wind up the desires

Your desire to win should be greater than anything else !...and take risks and just dont care ..we all are just afraid at every moment of lifes...tell me would you ever learn to drive car if u say what if i met an accident..would you ever travel the world if u say what if the plane crashed?
people always see what if we fail?what if we could not be done? it cant be done!..this is what people think..but this isnt !We all can do great things ...i dont believe in this word everythings possible i guess somethings are impossible yes!..but people have done it ..we all can be great if u really want it and your working for it.

Henry Ford ..this man did something impossible years back
there was this car by ford called V8,he wanted to advanced it he said that the engine should have eight cylinders the engineer said "but theres only space for one",but Ford was so determined that he said i don't know how..but all I know is I want it ...people tried and tried..6 months went by but nothing happened some of them left the job saying we don't want to work for something which is never gonna happen...this seemed impossible..but then after 12 to 14 months Henry came up with an idea and he adjusted the engine at an 90 degree angle ..and this just changed the way people looked at things ..we should learn from him that it doesn't matter how tough it is ...or you think you can do it or no..all you have to do is just do that be determined ...he was so strong and determined that his inner voice said that i want that 8 cylinders in that one space and even if it takes the rest of my life I will do it!

just don't be afraid..make it for it every single day.

your life should be big not long

Its lonely at the top.99% of world is convinced they are incapable of achieving great things,so they aim for mediocre idle is easier to raise $10,000,000 than it is $1,000,000.It is easier to pick up the one perfect 10 in the bar than the five 8s.The fishing is best where the fewest go,
Its not gonna be easy to aim the top but its dammm worthy!

don't waste time over friends cause remember this one thing no one cares as much as you do for yourself..everything is temporary fame,money,even life is why not do something you love so that one day you can say that yes i have touched the heights,so what i came down i have seen the view from top which you could never have of. And in the end you are gonaa die something now for yourself so that one day you can be proud of it!


Tuesday 10 March 2015


 I believe in cause and effect.You need to understand,identify a plan to be successful.You must know the cause ie..for what are you working for and then plan and act upon it.Dont let anyone ask you what will you do in future..we dont even know that are we gonna be alive tommorow !than why this questions the thing is just do what you think is a great work plan it  and act upon it..and you never know what your future gonna be !..we dont know if this thing called "LUCK" exists or no!..but why dont we just try getting better each day..if someones observes your ideas and tells you what if u fall or fail?..ask them what if i fly and succeed?

you get knowledge from your education but only knowledge is not enough you need ideas and the plan to put your plan into a definite result.But luck is something you cant and dont have to believe in..dont think like a mediocre mind does.There is no "good luck" with success..people say that as an excuse because they were not able to do it cause they gave up..the truth is,they simply havent found the one thing they love to do that for them,can lead to success..look around you all the topmost succeed people are the one who changed and improved themselves each day they didnt care about
things like luck or chances or even money ..they just did what they wanted to ..they dont run behind money but money runs behind them.

people say that study hard get a secured job bleah bleah..
by why workk hard for something you cant even own?
and you can be fired from the job anytime!
okay i wont say that just stop working in your school but comeon just think ...find some ideas work on them..try to be a entrpreneur the best of you can!

train your minds ...for eg while people of different fields are debating if a glass is filled half filled or half empty a top entrpreneur says i aldready sold it!

we set our owns dont keep them low ..keep them high ..balance evevrything in life.

dont just say it it!

lifes a it hard! :)


Sunday 8 March 2015

think freaky work freaky

                    Sometimes only work doesn't lead u we see many people around working days and nights but staying just at the same level..doing the same thing each day and just passing the days of life..thats where most of the people fail..if we read the book named "Rich dad Poor dad" will observe that theres a dad who works like crazy but poor with a ideal life ..while theres another dad who sits in office as a boss and is rich and keeps going richer everyday.
The thing is we all have been taught to follow the crowd...theres a saying which says "if u follow the crowd,you get lost"..The thing is we have to start thinking on our beliefs.. from birth we have lived on decisions of others.

A example of thinking-if theres going  a football match between your friends and theres the penalty time gone on ..your near the ball aiming at the goal post theres a goal-keeper ready and all your friends looking at you.Now he is in a dilemma about were to hit the ball..its a common thing that a right leg ed player mainly hits the ball at the left side of the post..or maybe left in rare cases.
psychological studies(excluded the professionals) say that a goalkeeper diverts at the left side 71% of times and 27% times at the right side(for a right leged person)..that means there are only 2% chances of getting ur hit defenced at the centre...(except the rare cases were the goal keeper dosnt move)
if thats so why doesn't a player hit at the centre?
the reasons are 
1)he is scared that his friends will scream at him 
2)he has no much of a self believe 

if he had made a shoot at the centre he had 98% chances of a goal
I want to say that we should start learn taking risks and not caring what others say
remember that all the famed names in business have mostly failed in the start because of their risk taking nature but that is the reason they are on top today.

climbing a mt.Everest is the riskiest thing but the ones who reached the top now what it looks like to look to see the world from that heights.

keep a mindset where you can say- its not who will let me do it..its who will stop letting me do it!
live life to the fullest..take risks and adventures.

a quote from steve jobs-"being a billionaire dosnt matter to me what matters is the feeling of greatness which i fell every night while sleeping the feeling that i did something great today!"

Saturday 7 March 2015

Craving for Passion

Well,the one of the most important thing is to follow your heart.heart is on left though its always right and we must learn to listen to it and follow as it says,mind can fool you but heart cant.Months before i used to work for so called "money".I used to study because i said to myself i want money when i grow up.But then now i realised that following money leads u no where,Following passion leads you to the top.In India we all follow what our society wants us do not what we want to do.Its like we live the way others wants us to live and not the way we want to live.
if u have decide what your dreams are you have to follow them and u have to win but the only way you can win is by following what u love cause to be the best or different you need 100% focus 100% persistence and the only u can do that is by doing what u love.if u dont follow what you heart says you to follow,ur going to fail..may be for example you want admissions in IITs and big universities and will do it ..its against what u love but still u do it ..hating it each day still doing it..i believe one day you are gonna be tired of your life and ur just going to stop it one day.
Now keep this in mind that people usually get confused in their passion and their hobbies
its like if ur hobby is collecting coin and notes of different countries does it mean you should go and open a foreign money exchange shop at the airport? thats no it..somethings are meant to be hobby itself.But its like if u love art you dont have to be  artist or a painter but u can use that art as an architect or something else.Months before i started for online jobs and hopefully i got a job as affiliate in a company(marketing stuff)..i believe i enjoy it ..most importantly i feel great when i do it .. and something within me told me that you have to do something big and now i am trying to do it .I study each day about how companies like microsoft,Fedex,Honda etc were built.I guess getting degrees and diplomas is one thing but tell me what does ur degree value if u cant even get a job at Starbucks?
i hate it when people call u stupid or clever with ur academia score.Maybe thet are interested in something else.I dont need a MBA degree or sumthing wat i need is a idea and a courage to execute it.This dosnt mean i am giving up my studies and education well ofcourse i am doing it...but the time i waste elsewhere i would love to give it something i love to do..something which i feel is a great work.Remember society wants u to see in pain,I will say dont listen to anyone just do what u love look if ur not completing ur dreams which u promised u would do to urself and u dont do ur a failure! may be not for others ..but for u ur! whats the worst ?.you will fail again but then why dont dream and do something big.Like STEVE JOB said we have always been told that this is a boundary and you have to play within it..have some friends,chill up,pay bills,visit some countries and die this is so cheap can be awesome and much more better if u understand this one fact that the things around are made and built by people who were no smarter than you!
whats stopping guys?..
paulo coelho said ~just follow your passion.and dont care of anything else cause sometimes we must be willing to give up the life we planned,so as to live the life thats waiting for us.

follow what you love. work hard.have fun in it. someday you will win...cuz in the end everythings perfect and if its not,its not  the end!!

Friday 6 March 2015


I am not a entreprenuer or a big famed person.I am a 16 year boy and i belive i have some big dreams to be fullfilled.I am writting this cause i have always beleived in this words "a leader has no title"
everyone can be a leader in thier own ways,and your are the CEO of your owns life and u dont need anyone to see that but you.since a couple of years i have been reading a lot of books and taking insirations from people like Richard Branson,Robert kiyosaki and many more
and listening to them I came with a feeling in me that age dosnt matter if u want to do something different than others you can, and you have to.
I have classes and collage and m busy all day in it  but still i find sum tym for studying about money and marketing.i truly wanna do something ,i want to serve people.
So I decided to start a bussiness..I dont have much money,much support from parents or others 
nut i guess that shouldnt stop mee as a start i am working on a magzine. I want to inspire People that age is nothing its just a state of mind,and we have to win in our life and that we have to aim high and complete them.
going to parties having couple of drinks ,saying random words,this isnt life (very limited one).You can build something big and u are gonna enjoy it.
i am also to get  a job as a social media consulant or some online marketing job so that i could earn some money to start a bussiness.
i like to share all my knowledge with my friends,i want everyone to win.
I am searching and trying all days and midnights.
i dont feel that for inspiring u need to be someone like if we observe sometimes people who aint in relationships give us the best love advices than the ones in.
i will just say this that be small(no matter your small) but big( have big ideas ,big dreams,courage,and  hardwork,persistence)
dont let some one tell you that you cant be like this like that remember no one is gonna beleive you until you go out there and do it.
Everything u see looks tough until go out there an do it.