Wednesday 25 March 2015


So many of our dreams at first seem impossible,then they seem improbable,and then,when we summon the will,the soon become inevitable."
-Gil Folk

So often we miss opportunities because we fail to act.What is need for sucess?constant progress.You must have the courage to try,fail,over and over.Use these failures as lessons.never let your setbacks  stop you from moving forward.Everything you want is just on the other side of fear.We are only confined by the walls we place on ourselves.Live outside the box.Live above the standards of others.Live your owns life.Dare to dream,Dare to risk,Dare to live your dreams.It is not only possible,it is inevitable if you simply dont give up!

warren buffet said that everyone told me that becomming a proffesional stock broker is risky.I though it would  be risky not to go for it.Most people told me to start my first busines-they told me all the reasons it might fail.But I looked at the upside.
I have taken risks peope told me not to take,and sometimes I'm wrong and I fail,but when I am right i suceed 100x compared to if i had just stayed on the sideline listening to all the reasons  why  what I
wanted to try might not work. we have this one life to live-take risks and chances do what is you want to do
worst case-You will live an extremely interesting life that you woudn't experience otherwise.

We should just choose what we love the most and just do something unique in the way no one else can and be the bestest and most differnt..and work hard! cause To live a life ,you need problems.If you get everything you want the minute you want it,then whats the point of living?

Since many months I was left alone ..I dont have much friends now almost no!..I dont have much support too..but I dont know things have made me soo...I am just crazy about my passions about my dreams about the things i wanna achieve...and I guess being alone has taught me much of things ..and
I believe a person should have a reason to live...for themselves first then others! we say love yourself first before loving someone else ,the same way!..people started leaving mee ...cause they need people who act like a pussy!..make out jokes..fuck out! thats what you call life?
they make them so busy in life that to forget to make one!

I now see life in a different way,something awesome,I feel some power inside me guiding somewhere always ..and this is awesome

I'll say..You are special,so act like it.Theres something you can contribute to this moment that no one else has to offer.Dont settle for merely doing the samething as anyone else or mimicking the opinions and interests of others.Explore your life..impress everyone by showing them one day that what you made out of your uniqueness.


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