Tuesday 10 March 2015


 I believe in cause and effect.You need to understand,identify a plan to be successful.You must know the cause ie..for what are you working for and then plan and act upon it.Dont let anyone ask you what will you do in future..we dont even know that are we gonna be alive tommorow !than why this questions the thing is just do what you think is a great work plan it  and act upon it..and you never know what your future gonna be !..we dont know if this thing called "LUCK" exists or no!..but why dont we just try getting better each day..if someones observes your ideas and tells you what if u fall or fail?..ask them what if i fly and succeed?

you get knowledge from your education but only knowledge is not enough you need ideas and the plan to put your plan into a definite result.But luck is something you cant and dont have to believe in..dont think like a mediocre mind does.There is no "good luck" with success..people say that as an excuse because they were not able to do it cause they gave up..the truth is,they simply havent found the one thing they love to do that for them,can lead to success..look around you all the topmost succeed people are the one who changed and improved themselves each day they didnt care about
things like luck or chances or even money ..they just did what they wanted to ..they dont run behind money but money runs behind them.

people say that study hard get a secured job bleah bleah..
by why workk hard for something you cant even own?
and you can be fired from the job anytime!
okay i wont say that just stop working in your school but comeon just think ...find some ideas work on them..try to be a entrpreneur ..be the best of you can!

train your minds ...for eg while people of different fields are debating if a glass is filled half filled or half empty a top entrpreneur says i aldready sold it!

we set our owns limits..so dont keep them low ..keep them high ..balance evevrything in life.

dont just say it ..do it!

lifes a game..play it hard! :)


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