Saturday 7 March 2015

Craving for Passion

Well,the one of the most important thing is to follow your heart.heart is on left though its always right and we must learn to listen to it and follow as it says,mind can fool you but heart cant.Months before i used to work for so called "money".I used to study because i said to myself i want money when i grow up.But then now i realised that following money leads u no where,Following passion leads you to the top.In India we all follow what our society wants us do not what we want to do.Its like we live the way others wants us to live and not the way we want to live.
if u have decide what your dreams are you have to follow them and u have to win but the only way you can win is by following what u love cause to be the best or different you need 100% focus 100% persistence and the only u can do that is by doing what u love.if u dont follow what you heart says you to follow,ur going to fail..may be for example you want admissions in IITs and big universities and will do it ..its against what u love but still u do it ..hating it each day still doing it..i believe one day you are gonna be tired of your life and ur just going to stop it one day.
Now keep this in mind that people usually get confused in their passion and their hobbies
its like if ur hobby is collecting coin and notes of different countries does it mean you should go and open a foreign money exchange shop at the airport? thats no it..somethings are meant to be hobby itself.But its like if u love art you dont have to be  artist or a painter but u can use that art as an architect or something else.Months before i started for online jobs and hopefully i got a job as affiliate in a company(marketing stuff)..i believe i enjoy it ..most importantly i feel great when i do it .. and something within me told me that you have to do something big and now i am trying to do it .I study each day about how companies like microsoft,Fedex,Honda etc were built.I guess getting degrees and diplomas is one thing but tell me what does ur degree value if u cant even get a job at Starbucks?
i hate it when people call u stupid or clever with ur academia score.Maybe thet are interested in something else.I dont need a MBA degree or sumthing wat i need is a idea and a courage to execute it.This dosnt mean i am giving up my studies and education well ofcourse i am doing it...but the time i waste elsewhere i would love to give it something i love to do..something which i feel is a great work.Remember society wants u to see in pain,I will say dont listen to anyone just do what u love look if ur not completing ur dreams which u promised u would do to urself and u dont do ur a failure! may be not for others ..but for u ur! whats the worst ?.you will fail again but then why dont dream and do something big.Like STEVE JOB said we have always been told that this is a boundary and you have to play within it..have some friends,chill up,pay bills,visit some countries and die this is so cheap can be awesome and much more better if u understand this one fact that the things around are made and built by people who were no smarter than you!
whats stopping guys?..
paulo coelho said ~just follow your passion.and dont care of anything else cause sometimes we must be willing to give up the life we planned,so as to live the life thats waiting for us.

follow what you love. work hard.have fun in it. someday you will win...cuz in the end everythings perfect and if its not,its not  the end!!

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