Friday 13 March 2015

wind up the desires

Your desire to win should be greater than anything else !...and take risks and just dont care ..we all are just afraid at every moment of lifes...tell me would you ever learn to drive car if u say what if i met an accident..would you ever travel the world if u say what if the plane crashed?
people always see what if we fail?what if we could not be done? it cant be done!..this is what people think..but this isnt !We all can do great things ...i dont believe in this word everythings possible i guess somethings are impossible yes!..but people have done it ..we all can be great if u really want it and your working for it.

Henry Ford ..this man did something impossible years back
there was this car by ford called V8,he wanted to advanced it he said that the engine should have eight cylinders the engineer said "but theres only space for one",but Ford was so determined that he said i don't know how..but all I know is I want it ...people tried and tried..6 months went by but nothing happened some of them left the job saying we don't want to work for something which is never gonna happen...this seemed impossible..but then after 12 to 14 months Henry came up with an idea and he adjusted the engine at an 90 degree angle ..and this just changed the way people looked at things ..we should learn from him that it doesn't matter how tough it is ...or you think you can do it or no..all you have to do is just do that be determined ...he was so strong and determined that his inner voice said that i want that 8 cylinders in that one space and even if it takes the rest of my life I will do it!

just don't be afraid..make it for it every single day.

your life should be big not long

Its lonely at the top.99% of world is convinced they are incapable of achieving great things,so they aim for mediocre idle is easier to raise $10,000,000 than it is $1,000,000.It is easier to pick up the one perfect 10 in the bar than the five 8s.The fishing is best where the fewest go,
Its not gonna be easy to aim the top but its dammm worthy!

don't waste time over friends cause remember this one thing no one cares as much as you do for yourself..everything is temporary fame,money,even life is why not do something you love so that one day you can say that yes i have touched the heights,so what i came down i have seen the view from top which you could never have of. And in the end you are gonaa die something now for yourself so that one day you can be proud of it!


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