Sunday 8 March 2015

think freaky work freaky

                    Sometimes only work doesn't lead u we see many people around working days and nights but staying just at the same level..doing the same thing each day and just passing the days of life..thats where most of the people fail..if we read the book named "Rich dad Poor dad" will observe that theres a dad who works like crazy but poor with a ideal life ..while theres another dad who sits in office as a boss and is rich and keeps going richer everyday.
The thing is we all have been taught to follow the crowd...theres a saying which says "if u follow the crowd,you get lost"..The thing is we have to start thinking on our beliefs.. from birth we have lived on decisions of others.

A example of thinking-if theres going  a football match between your friends and theres the penalty time gone on ..your near the ball aiming at the goal post theres a goal-keeper ready and all your friends looking at you.Now he is in a dilemma about were to hit the ball..its a common thing that a right leg ed player mainly hits the ball at the left side of the post..or maybe left in rare cases.
psychological studies(excluded the professionals) say that a goalkeeper diverts at the left side 71% of times and 27% times at the right side(for a right leged person)..that means there are only 2% chances of getting ur hit defenced at the centre...(except the rare cases were the goal keeper dosnt move)
if thats so why doesn't a player hit at the centre?
the reasons are 
1)he is scared that his friends will scream at him 
2)he has no much of a self believe 

if he had made a shoot at the centre he had 98% chances of a goal
I want to say that we should start learn taking risks and not caring what others say
remember that all the famed names in business have mostly failed in the start because of their risk taking nature but that is the reason they are on top today.

climbing a mt.Everest is the riskiest thing but the ones who reached the top now what it looks like to look to see the world from that heights.

keep a mindset where you can say- its not who will let me do it..its who will stop letting me do it!
live life to the fullest..take risks and adventures.

a quote from steve jobs-"being a billionaire dosnt matter to me what matters is the feeling of greatness which i fell every night while sleeping the feeling that i did something great today!"

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